Budapest detectives arrested two convicted men who had been hiding from the police for years due to the imposition of their five- and three-year prison sentences, the Budapest Police Headquarters announced on on Saturday.
One of the 47-year-old men was sentenced to five years in prison for fraud, but he did not go to prison, so an arrest warrant was issued against him in the fall of 2020. The other 40-year-old man has been on trial since the summer of 2019, and he has not started his three-year prison sentence for abusing a new psychoactive substance.
Since they could not find the two convicts at their previously known addresses and places of residence, they started looking for them elsewhere.
The 47-year-old man was finally found after several searches of a farm in the vicinity of Szabadszállás by the police with the help of their colleagues from Bács-Kiskun County: lifting the mattress of a bed fixed to the floor, they noticed the ladder leading to a cavity.
The other man was hiding in a family house in Kőbánya, guarded by three dogs, they added.
Both men were taken to a penitentiary, where the convicts began serving their legally imposed prison terms, the police informed.