On Tuesday morning, February 17th, the police got a report about two persons who tried to get into a staircase in Derek Street, Debrecen. They were trying to break the door open when someone disturbed them so they ran away.
One of the perpetrators was reported to wear a black jacket and a red baseball cap, the other one had black clothing on.
The city center patrols reacted to the report as fast as possible and, passing in front of Derek Street 201, they found two people who fitted the description and they put them under control. The person who gave the report recognized the two men and related that they were trying to prize out the door of the staircase with a screwdriver but that person shout at them and they ran away. One of the perpetrators was a 25 year old man from Budapest the other one is 22 year old man from Gaborjan. On searching their clothes, the screwdrivers, white drape gloves and other tools were discovered in the pockets of the man from Budapest and in the pockets of his companion a pair of black drape gloves was found. The police measures revealed that the man from Budapest was wanted by the police.