Campus Olympics starts tomorrow

Local News Sport

Campus Olympics is held tomorrow, on 17 July.

Visitors can try themselves out in various sports, such as fanatic jump, dance step and kettle bell.


16.00-16.30: Zumba for children

16.40-16.50: Dance Step show

16.50-17.00: K1 show

17.00-17.50: Tae bo

17.50-18.00: Port de Bras show

18.00-18.50: Attila Katus Best Body

18.50-19.00: Freestyler show

19.00-19.40: Deepwork

19.40-19.50: TRX and kettle bell show

20.00-20.50: Zumba

2 thoughts on “Campus Olympics starts tomorrow

  1. Please, I want to know where is the Campus Olympics, because I’m a Brazilian student and I want to go to this event. Bests.

    1. Dear Santiago,
      Campus Olympics is organized at the DEAC sports ground (Dóczy József Utca 9, Debrecen).

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