On 2 December Irina Ivastsenko, the Budapest sub-office manager of the IMF was a guest presenter at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. She talked about possibilities on solving the crisis of Hungarian markets.
As all countries of the region, Hungary also has to struggle with the problem of short-term economic vulnaribility. In a longer term, growth can be helped by the improvement of lending and the FDI inflow. As the professional outlined, there will be strong competition among Central European countries for the capital inflow; the ”winner” of this competition will be the country with the highest growth prospects and the one that proposes the most promising offer to the investors.
She also reminded that since the outburst of the present crisis in 2008, the IMF has worked out more than 70 crisis-management programs. As she told, the world economy is bearing higher risk than 6 months ago. Due to this state, country markets need stability and economic incentive programs at the same time, but the optimal ratio of these is very hard to guess in this mistrustful market environment.