After the appeal of Ganz-Skoda and Solaris, a third loser of the tram tender also voided the results.
After the result of 5 tenders had been exterminated, the 6th one was closed with the Spanish CAF winning the right to deliver the 18 new trams for Debrecen (at a netto price of 37 928 258 euros). This was first attacked by Ganz-Skoda and Solaris, whose applications had been excluded as invalid. Now the Italian AnsaldoBreda company appealed – they were the runner-up after CAF, with the second lowest prices (nt. 38 546 020 euros). (Anyway, they were the winner of the previous tender with 41 million euros.)
Neither the details of the appeals, nor the exact time of the hearings are not published. This last tender was called in the most simple way as possible so CAF is hoping that the appeals will be denied. Even if it will happen so, the contract can be signed only in September because of the processing of the appeals.