Debrecen volleyball players are preparing to set the Guinness-record by playing the ball for 77 hours without pause.
Some pupils of the Eotvos Street Primary School are about to do something unusual. They want to get into the Book of Guinness Records by playing volleyball continuously in the gym of the school. The participants must be well-prepared since they will not be the first ones to try to make it into the book with this act. The record of playing volleyball non-stop is currently held by the Polish who managed to play without pausing for 76 hours. Those who join the initiative of the pupils of the Eotvos Street Primary School must do their best because it is not easy to exceed the present record even by half an hour.
According to Andras Szombathy, volleyball coach and director of the school anyone who undertakes a 77-hour intensive exercise must be really tough.
“It won’t be easy as we are going to play continuously and doing this for hours is exhausting. Even if there will be substitutes, everyone will be able to eat, have rest or sleep if he becomes that tired. Who asks for substitution can wake the others up.” –said Andras Szombathy.
The substitutes will be necessary indeed, since the ball will be bouncing all night. This time, however, the goal will not be the beating of an opponent; everyone will work together for success. Scores will not count but they will have to play by the rules. The number of players cannot be either more or less than what the rule requires and the ball must be handled in the right way. Volleyball is a traditional sport in Eotvos School so it will not be hard to create a strong team.
Not anyone can join the initiative, however. Only those above 16 can participate in the record attempt, even 17-18 year olds must ask for permission if they want to join in.
The 77 hour volleyball game is planned to be held on 10-13 February. Guinness has already been notified about the date. They replied and said they would not take the responsibility if someone breaks the Polish record in the meantime. The attempt merits recognition and considering the fact that the ball will have to be flying from 2 pm. on 10 February until 7 pm. on 13 February, it’s worth crossing our fingers for the players.